Performance Atlas

Announcing the HTML5 Performance Atlas

A fully renovated Performance Atlas for Right of Way is coming at you!

Our shop is humming with intensity! After some fun and thought-provoking design work, we are now deeply engaged in developing the new and better Performance Atlas that many of you have been anticipating. We’ve been pretty immersed in the process and are probably overdue for sharing some updates.

Here are a few…

What’s in the oven?

More map


Just about every editorial function will now be available from the map view.

  • Update acquisition status
  • Complete tasks
  • Edit landowner data
  • Enter easements
  • Add documents
  • Add permitting information
  • Track expenses
  • Enter stipulations, vesting, and title info
  • Record comments and agent journal entries
  • ....all from the map!

More admin

More control for customizing your Atlas in general and across projects.

  • Setup project-specific settings for items such as tasks, acquisition status values, and additional reference map layers
  • Take advantage of branding and styling settings to personalize and customize your Atlas.

Here's an example of the Fast Filters

More tools

  • “Fast Filters” to gain instant visual feedback about the status of work and performance on projects.
  • Redlining, commenting, and mark up tools
  • Expanded “identify” and “hot feature” feedback tools that work against parcel layers and reference map layers alike.
  • Print reporting with options for high resolution output.

But, wait, there’s More!

Public and Client View modules

Want to offer a subset of functions to collect public feedback at an unsecured / open web address? Want to offer appropriate tools to your customers without letting them get too deep and fudge the system up? These new add-ins will streamline the process!

Responsive design

The new Atlas will be responsive, meaning it will gracefully conform to different devices end-users have for interacting with the tool.

Anything else?

Yes! As some of you know, we work from a “backlog” of features and functions. As we work in the above features, we will move to other capabilities and features. Please keep telling us what you’d love to see! We built this thing for you, guys!

And when’s all this coming out of the oven?

No half-baked software please!  We remain committed to releasing solid, thoroughly tested code. To satisfy our own standards of craftsmanship and make sure you get something that’s ready to run with, we anticipate completing the majority of development work in July and reserving August and early September for integration testing and refinements. Currently, we anticipate releasing the HTML5 version of the Atlas in the third week of September.

What works for you?

You know the drill. We are happy to work in a way that responds to and accommodates your needs and schedules. For many of you, the Atlas is a business critical tool and integrating a major new version must be done with planning and care. Do you have a big project that would benefit from an earlier delivery? Do you need key customizations in place for scheduled work? Do you prefer to delay implementation of the new version for certain reasons?

Let’s talk. We’ll work with you to plan things out in a way that meets your needs.


Increasing Location Intelligence for Mercy Corps

Our team has recently undertaken a rewarding effort to help Mercy Corps improve their location intelligence capabilities for better program monitoring, performance assessment, and situational awareness in areas around the globe where the non-governmental aid organization conducts disaster relief and economic development programs.
In their own words:

“Mercy Corps partners with creative thinkers from the private and public sectors to develop social innovations that transform lives. New technology, business models and creative partnerships provide transformational opportunities for overcoming poverty and despair.”

Our team’s partnership with Mercy Corps has involved implementing a Performance Atlas visualization and interactive mapping system that allows for:

  • Review, monitoring, and assessment of key performance indicators
  • Field mission planning support
  • Integration and assessment of field-collected data
  • Collaborative, visual communication among remote project partners and stakeholders.

We are now collaborating with Mercy Corps and members of the Barr and Kellogg Foundation to determine how the Location Intelligence system used for a pilot project in Haiti may be further extended and applied to other programs across the globe.  This is in support of Mercy Corp’s mission to leverage [a] robust global program platform to identify breakthrough ideas, test them in the field, and scale them broadly.”

Right-Of-Way tracking with Performance Atlas

ECIlogoClient:  Electrical Contractors, Inc

ECI is a full service Engineering Design Firm specializing in the Power & Telecommunications Industry. They have offices in Montana, Arizona, Utah, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and more planned to open on the East Coast.

Goal: Provide efficient Right-Of-Way activity tracking capability leveraging the best of contemporary web technologies.

Services Provided: The Gartrell Group worked closely with company stakeholders to develop a detailed understanding of their Right-Of-Way workflows and desires for improvements and new capabilities. We then applied this information to adapt a Performance Atlas® deployment suited to their defined needs.

Pulling from the wide-variety of components available to our Performance Atlas®, we were able to provide ECI with a comprehensive solution that gives users access to different projects and the associated data, such as landowner contacts, tasks, financial information, public comments and the ability to toggle between a map-centric and journal view.

Key Technologies:  GIS Hosting, Performance Atlas (Software-as-a-Service)