In Observance of Indigenous Peoples’ Day

The Gartrell Group recognizes Indigenous Peoples’ Day among our official holidays each year. Acknowledging that we may not all be well-versed in the culture and traditions of the people who lived (for thousands of years before us) in the places where we now live, I wanted to find and share ways that we can honor what this day stands for. My hope is that each of us (and perhaps each of you, readers) will take the opportunity to enrich our knowledge and deepen our respect for Indigenous people worldwide on this day. Here are a few ideas as to how we might do that:

  1. Learn about the Indigenous people of the place where you now live (or where you grew up) and their relationship with that place. Increase your knowledge of their history and current-day culture, including their sovereignty and governance. You can find out more about the tribes in whose homelands you live/lived here.

  2. Visit a museum that is dedicated to Indigenous history, or has an Indigenous history collection. The Portland Museum of Art is just one example, for those who are local. The Native American Art collection is in the main building, on the 2nd and 3rd floors. (The museum is closed on Mondays, but it's open Weds.-Sun.!)

  3. Learn more about (and possibly start following) Indigenous influencers and/or podcasters. Here is some information about some of the influencers. A few podcasts to check out: All My Relations, The Red Nation Podcast, and Toasted Sister Podcast. I haven't yet visited the IG feeds or listened to these podcasts, but they all sound really interesting!

  4. Get outside, appreciate the fresh air and scenery, and enjoy acting as a steward for your local land!