
Building an ecosystem services software solution for Dow and The Nature Conservancy

Two Unlikely Partners

esii_partnersSeveral months ago, we wrote about our involvement with a project that has brought together two seemingly unlikely allies: Dow Chemical and The Nature Conservancy (TNC). These two organizations, working with guidance from EcoMetrix Solutions Group (ESG), have spent the better part of the past four years developing a program called the Ecosystem Services Identification and Inventory (ESII) program. The collaborative effort seeks to quantify the value of environmental reforms. The ultimate goal is to provide tools to help companies track and consciously improve their environmental stewardship.

Our Role

An integrated software solution is the centerpiece of the ESII program. Our team was brought in to help shepherd the ESII Tool from vision to reality.  We have collaborated with TNC, Dow, and ESG to design and build a software system that allows users to define and track their natural resource assets and to score their individual and collective environmental benefits. The tool allows for the tracking and valuation of nature in a manner that is analogous to how companies have traditionally worked with capital assets in their business operations.  Users are provided with tools that help them develop and refine property management and enhancement strategies by exploring alternative management scenarios and their associated scorecards for ecosystem services and functions.

An Ecosystem Services Software Solution

esgOur team has built a software package that includes a front-end iOS application (targeting iPads), coupled with a web tool and that harnesses a connected series of ecological models. These models are used to take inputs from the iOS app and compute scores that are presented to users of the web tool. A process that used to take months can now happen in minutes!

We’ve been in the development and testing stages since the spring. Throughout the summer and fall, we have progressively released editions of the solution for review and field testing by team members. This agile approach to software development allowed us to test, fix, and refine the functionality in chunks, and to work out what would be the optimal approach to meeting functional requirements and to provide the ideal user experience. This process resulted in some major refactoring of some of elements of the software (the survey component, for instance, got a major overhaul based on tester feedback).

iPad app

The ESII tool iPad app is the main tool for field work. With it, users can go out into the field in order to define and characterize areas of a property in terms of observed ecosystem services and functions. The main part of the tool is a survey, where users indicate the types of habitat, vegetation, surface conditions, and other data that helps give an inventory of the properties current ecology. In addition to the survey, the iPad app allows users to draw new map boundaries around parcels, or edit existing maps. They can also take photos and add notes and other media.

Because so much field work is in areas without connectivity, we built the iPad app to allow the user to work even when they are not connected to the Internet. The app will download the maps and survey data into its cache for disconnected editing. Once the user gets back into network range, their work is synced with server resources (see “Web Tool” below) and their peers iPads. This is a key requirement for anyone doing remote work.

Web tool

The field data gathering starts with the web tool that we built - on the AngularJS platform. With it, users setup the data gathering projects (we call them Data Collection Efforts, or DCEs) and then, once the DCE is complete, run QA/QC on data gathered in the field. Once they’ve completed the QA/QC, they run the data through a series of ecological computation models.  Processed results are presented in reports that basically represent an environmental scorecard for the property.

Users may then use the “alternative analysis” functions of the web tool to create “what if” situations.

  • What if we remove this parking lot and replace it with a grassy meadow?
  • How does “scenario 2” compare with “scenario 3” in terms of carbon sequestration scores?

The web tool allows them to create such a scenario and then see how it impacts the scorecard. Using such a tool can inform changes in land management regimes and then allow companies to monitor the actual results and track progress according to defined metrics.


An example of the type of ecosystem services scores reporting found on our web tool. We can present the data as charts, or a symbolized map showing values.

Within the web tool there are complex models that take field-gathered inputs and use them to develop scores for properties in subsection and in total. Scores range across a variety of metrics related to a defined list of ecosystem services and functions.  In particular, we are looking at the “regulating services” which consist of:

  • carbon sequestration and climate regulation
  • waste decomposition and detoxification
  • purification of water and air

The models themselves have been progressively developed and refined over years and through many field trials by experts at Ecometrix. In the past, using the models to produce scores was a tedious and largely manual task that involved a long sequence of data transformations and format conversions; it required great care, meticulous attention to detail, and great patience. Depending on the size and conditions of a field collection effort, the typical turnaround time, from data collection to viewing results, could range from weeks to months. By automating and deploying the models in private cloud infrastructure, we’ve turned that process into a single-day operation; go out in the field in the morning to collect data, and by the afternoon, have the results.  The models themselves can now process field inputs in a matter of seconds.

Version One!

There is now light at the end of the tunnel(!), as we prepare for a Version 1 release at the end of December. Our initial users will be Dow employees who will use the ESII tool (as it has come to be known) at Dow sites worldwide. Their use of the tool will start the process towards helping Dow realize the goal of the Ecosystem Services Identification and Inventory program; to help the company save money by enacting environmental reforms. Their use of the tool will also help us as we build Version 2, which is slated for adoption by other companies keen on realizing the benefits of making measured progress in tracking and enhancing their natural assets.

Announcing the HTML5 Performance Atlas

A fully renovated Performance Atlas for Right of Way is coming at you!

Our shop is humming with intensity! After some fun and thought-provoking design work, we are now deeply engaged in developing the new and better Performance Atlas that many of you have been anticipating. We’ve been pretty immersed in the process and are probably overdue for sharing some updates.

Here are a few…

What’s in the oven?

More map


Just about every editorial function will now be available from the map view.

  • Update acquisition status
  • Complete tasks
  • Edit landowner data
  • Enter easements
  • Add documents
  • Add permitting information
  • Track expenses
  • Enter stipulations, vesting, and title info
  • Record comments and agent journal entries
  • ....all from the map!

More admin

More control for customizing your Atlas in general and across projects.

  • Setup project-specific settings for items such as tasks, acquisition status values, and additional reference map layers
  • Take advantage of branding and styling settings to personalize and customize your Atlas.

Here's an example of the Fast Filters

More tools

  • “Fast Filters” to gain instant visual feedback about the status of work and performance on projects.
  • Redlining, commenting, and mark up tools
  • Expanded “identify” and “hot feature” feedback tools that work against parcel layers and reference map layers alike.
  • Print reporting with options for high resolution output.

But, wait, there’s More!

Public and Client View modules

Want to offer a subset of functions to collect public feedback at an unsecured / open web address? Want to offer appropriate tools to your customers without letting them get too deep and fudge the system up? These new add-ins will streamline the process!

Responsive design

The new Atlas will be responsive, meaning it will gracefully conform to different devices end-users have for interacting with the tool.

Anything else?

Yes! As some of you know, we work from a “backlog” of features and functions. As we work in the above features, we will move to other capabilities and features. Please keep telling us what you’d love to see! We built this thing for you, guys!

And when’s all this coming out of the oven?

No half-baked software please!  We remain committed to releasing solid, thoroughly tested code. To satisfy our own standards of craftsmanship and make sure you get something that’s ready to run with, we anticipate completing the majority of development work in July and reserving August and early September for integration testing and refinements. Currently, we anticipate releasing the HTML5 version of the Atlas in the third week of September.

What works for you?

You know the drill. We are happy to work in a way that responds to and accommodates your needs and schedules. For many of you, the Atlas is a business critical tool and integrating a major new version must be done with planning and care. Do you have a big project that would benefit from an earlier delivery? Do you need key customizations in place for scheduled work? Do you prefer to delay implementation of the new version for certain reasons?

Let’s talk. We’ll work with you to plan things out in a way that meets your needs.


What does The Nature Conservancy have in common with Dow Chemical Company?

Surprisingly, more than one might imagine. For one thing, they are both working with The Gartrell Group… and on the same project!
As D.T. Max explores in the New Yorker article “Green is Good,” The Nature Conservancy (TNC) is in the process of adopting a new approach to nudge commercial interests to adopt greener management and operational strategies.

We are very excited to participate in this historic project and to build the software tools described in Max’s article. The tablet-based solution will offer an array of cool capabilities Dow staff may use for identifying, delineating, and monitoring the natural resource “assets” and ecosystem services present on their properties. They will also be able to perform modeling of alternative land uses to assess the impacts of different management strategies.

Designing and developing this solution is bringing together many of the tools and areas of expertise that have been called for in our recent projects.


mobileGISThe solution will primarily be used by people working in the field, so it will be aimed at mobile users. The first iteration of the tool will be built on iOS for use on iPads.

Disconnected Editing

Field work usually involves being in remote areas with little-to-no connectivity. This solution, like others that we’ve worked on recently, will allow users to make edits while in the field. Those edits will be loaded onto the cloud as soon as the device is connected to either a cell connection or Wi-Fi.

Cloud Hosting

The data will live in a secure, hosted environment that will ensure that everyone is always working with the mot recent information.

Web Management Tools

Like many of our recent projects that involve mobile users going out into the field, this solution will include a web-based management tool. This tool allows managers to create projects for field workers. These projects include maps and data that are then downloaded to the field worker’s iPad so that they have the most recent data to work with.

Processing Models

A key element to this project is to quantify the impact of different resource management strategies on the ecosystems within which Dow properties are involved. We will be working closely with stakeholders from both Dow and TNC as well as scientists from Ecometrix Solutions Group to develop these tools in the form of data processing models that measure the impacts of different land uses and activities.

This is an exciting collaboration - one that we’d have had a hard time believing could exist twenty years ago. We feel that it is part of a significant shift in the economics of environmentalism and capitalism, one focused on bringing more green to the bottom line.